In the Danger Room, Eidolon watches from the control room the X-Men going through many exercises. He feels like saying "Pathetic" while looking down on them to quote Omni-man, but it would not be nice.
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
thanks for responding
"You going to save them, or just your Kryptonian girlfriend?"
Anime & Comics · PcaNovels
The being hummed softly. "Yes, that is one of the names I am known by. Though, I prefer to be called the God of Harmony."
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
The being hummed softly. "Yes, that is one of the names I am known by. Though, I prefer to be called the God of Harmony."
Anime & Comics · Milk_Is_My_Drug
==Insert IMG of crazy==
Anime & Comics · RoneGreninja
"You going to save them, or just your Kryptonian girlfriend?"
Anime & Comics · PcaNovels
==Insert IMG of your favourite MC==
Anime & Comics · RoneGreninja
Another thing I was extending my grubby little alchemist fingers into was Seals.
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
chocola from nekopara
Fish answered truthfully, his eyes widening as he shot a "congratulate me quickly" look.
Movies · inferno303
humiliate the Greek gods because they're living garbage.
I have a question—sort of like a poll—I'm a few chapters in and the Metals Age is about to arrive in the rest of the planet, I was wondering, what historical happenings would you like to see Aragorn in? Is there any historical figure you would like to see him interact with? Any myth you would like him to have a hand in?
Dragon in Marvel
Anime & Comics · ExistentialVoid