Just rembered a similar sentence a friend once said. "If humanity would show the same energy in research as it is showing in ways to destroy itself, we would be already colonizing the space."
Cid just sighed and patted her head, "if only you were as enthusiastic about doing your work the same way you are about finding ways to be lazy your work ethic would have been amazing"
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Who should the love interest be? It can't be any student from Beacon since they are too young. So it has to be one of the adults in the series. I was thinking Raven Branwen... Maybe Qrow idk... Or Winter Schnee...
Anime & Comics · Crimson1997
Sona serafall ophis koneko kuroka
Who do you want in the Harem?
Anime & Comics · AKIRA_0
All in one and make separate chapters on your server 1 for q/a and 1 for ideas for every story
Discord, I don't know, should I make one? And if I do then should it be a joint one of all my stories? or a different one for each?
Anime & Comics · Avi2112
Make it like some others and put advanced chapters in there like 3 tiers 2/5/8
For Pa-treon I am confused, there is no benefit right now in it except to like giving me support. So if any of you have some good ideas then please tell me.
Anime & Comics · Avi2112
Angel - > cursed serpent so he may be classified as evel or cursed dragon
Live comes first, and a chap everyday is akin to a little luxury life for a reader. So stay healthy and don't neglect to learn
Sorry to everyone, but today you'll only have this one chapter. I still need to study over 300 pages of stuff I still didn't study and tomorrow I should have an exam, so I just squeezed this chap.
Anime & Comics · DeeplyLostInShadow
Milim Nava
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · Insight_Sage
A great story like the other story's from you
Of Space Whales and Battleships: Worm(Parahuman)
Book&Literature · Commonnerfer