Burh u do need the ring😭wat r u talkin bout
'A ring that enhances learning speed! Could I use that to gain exp faster?... No, I should give this to Katara. I already have a system.' Kanuk shook his head with a smile. Is there anything more overpowered than having a system? He does not need that ring.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
He better not fuck up like Korra did🥲
[Succesfully managed to copy Water bending!]
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
I busted out laughing in the middle of work seeing this🤣
Right in the front row of the audience, a man brutally assaulted his unaware neighbor.
Anime & Comics · LordCampione
"We're pushing our warp engines to the limit. Expect us in about 15 hours. Think you can hold out that long?"
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
"And one shall fall!"
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
I still can't believe the scene I just witnessed.
Others · Happiness_Is_Bliss
Kel spoke again, "Say Gabe aren't you going out of town like the day after?"
Others · Happiness_Is_Bliss
Kel thought about it for a moment, "Say Gabe isn't she your ex?"
Others · Happiness_Is_Bliss
Tht was fast🫡😭goodluck gang
Summer spoke calmly, "Who's Jessica?"
Others · Happiness_Is_Bliss
My first thoughts exactly😭
Gran and Sokka watched with a smile as Katara and Kanuk stared at each other. With a huge gasp, Katara jumped and embraced Kanuk, burying her face in his neck.
The Backbender (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1