See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
"[Photosynthesis!]" Calter said and he sense the energy coming from the sun is being absorbed by his body. Strengthening him while also adding to the amount of energy that he has on his body
Fantasy · KenceRussel
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Fantasy · Allenheim
Seduced By A Child
General · Biting Peaches
Sounds exactly like politics to me….
And how this seemed like politics, Steve couldn't understand. Yes, Ultron was rallying behind a movement. Yes, he spoke of world peace. But this was a robot pretending to be a human. This wasn't a man preparing for a protest. This was a machine whose whole personality was a lie. For the sake of his goal, he mind-controlled and killed people, and threatened governments until they surrendered to him.
Movies · Eneid_Elisor
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Fantasy · Man_of_culture
Just as Ruppel's jaw began to drop, Charlotte strode forward confidently.
Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer
Urban · Shadow-kun