up next so I'm a spider so what
screw her tabane for the win
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Anime & Comics · Craze_Novel
lancelot and tobio
Rooks: ???, ???( I currently have one in mind, but I won't reveal it yet)
Anime & Comics · Sawfly_Varte
+1 tatsumi and ruby
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Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
thanks I guess it should have been an auxiliary chapter and then you should have met a real chapter best deal thanks a little disappointed though
so who are paying into going to learn firebending from when it comes time for book 3 to come around
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have him remake some zanpakuto. with the release of espadas 1 2 3 4 5 6 with hollow form ichigo
Son of Ajuka(DxD fanfic)
Anime & Comics · Sawfly_Varte