fight, fight, fighhtttttt!!! 😂😂😂
Qiu Qi's eyes narrowed in amusement as she looked at Lin Ze, the ex-fiance, Meng Xing, and Qiu Yi who has a long-time crush with their boss. Yo, what a shura field!
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
Meng Xing cut him off. "Just say that you are trying to get into my life." He said. "Or, get into my pants?" he grinned.
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
It's alright, Yuuri - ehem, I mean, Lin Ze. You could still repair the reputation later... maybe 😅😅😅
Lin Ze froze, stupefied. It is over... my reputation! My hard-earned reputation is going to be destroyed again! He thought, wanting to cry. He thinks that it is such bad luck today to go out.
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
"Yes. The Meng residence." Qiu Yi nodded in affirmation. "Sir Meng didn't know anyone in the capital, so he didn't know it was the Meng residence." He spoke. "Having wandered around all day with nothing to eat, he almost fainted near the Meng residence." He said. "Then, a servant found him and fed him. Who knew – " he sighed and shook his head.
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
Lin Ze hiccupped and seemed to hear Lin Yao speaking next to his ears. "Bad... bad boy..." he muttered and closed his eyes.
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
LZ being toyed around is really fun to write, my friend 😉😉😉
Qiu Yi snorted while Qiu Shisi sneered. Meanwhile, Qiu Si smiled, which is rare. Then, Qiu Yi and Qiu Shisi understood. Isn't their boss Meng Ruyan himself? Then, what Lin Ze is doing now… heh. He is just fanning the fire!
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
MX: definitely not me. I am a pit master (troublemaker) LZ: QAQ *trembling
Cheng Pei can be considered lucky to not die until now
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LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
that shows that they are good enough and acknowledge each other's strength ❤️
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LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou
aahhh thank you very much!!! 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😚
I Am The Demon
LGBT+ · HuilongShenghou