When he heard me talking like that, he surprisingly calmed down.
Music & Bands · nerghomek
Why are they saying lava release is water and earth
Love how you attack me but the dude who called you an idiot gets no reply lol I guess you can’t argue with the truth. Btw no need to get so heated I understand constructive criticism but I’ve yet to see you say something positive about any fanfiction and often times you’re complaining about random stuff without providing any advice (not how constructive criticism works btw) Maybe you if offered them advice on how to improve I would agree with you but honestly it just sounds like whining from my perspective
"Eh? Sensei trusts me so easily?"
Anime & Comics · michaeI
Dude maybe take a break from fanfiction for a bit I swear I see you in every fanfiction complaining about something
"Eh? Sensei trusts me so easily?"
Anime & Comics · michaeI
Have you read the manhwa? If not read it and then you’ll understand
"Oh!… Hi! I'm Rachel."
Anime & Comics · Jaed21
If he’s in the body and was told the body was moving around before wouldnt the conclusion you would come to us that he took over the originals body after the explosion that’s what I was getting at but it escalated
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Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
Honestly wasn’t even trying to troll literally just said my thoughts at the time and it escalated wasn’t trying to be a d*ck
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Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
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Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
Yeah it takes a real big man to overreact like a child
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Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
It’s all her fault tbh and I don’t feel bad for her at all
...I'm a complete asshole.
X-Men: Extraordinary Times
Anime & Comics · DaoistViking