No Fr tho 😂😂
"They're probably frantic," he said dryly.
Fantasy · Suji Kim
I’m so happy that he’s living the life😂😂
Timotei huffed and puffed when he finally reached the gravestone. He said, "I am so popular, I have no time to spare as everyone comes to confess to me. I have two people to marry tomorrow. I feel so powerful!"
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Our mervamp baby 🥹🥹
Eve placed her hand in Vincent's, holding it firmly before carefully placing her foot on the little stool and then on the ground. Her other hand was placed on her belly, which had grown big because of the baby that was to come soon.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
"Oh good! I was worried it was left inside the house," Mrs. Hooke replied and watched Rosetta lock the house's main door. "My apologies, I didn't know we were going to be late. Little Nelson needed a little changing to be done," she said, carrying her grandson in her arms.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
That is so freakin sad
At the end of the parchment, her mother had signed 'Your mother, Katherina'.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
We need a chapter for that moment
"She is very kind, beautiful and sweet, Vince. She was very excited to meet you," Eve let him know. "Maybe one day, I will learn to take you along with me to the past. I am glad she is your mother."
Fantasy · ash_knight17
This stresses me out 😂 I have a exam coming up soon too
It was after answering the eleventh page did the level of difficulty increase. Though she tried to read the questions more than once or twice, some didn't make sense to her. Pressing her lips she decided to leave it empty for the time being and return back to it once she was done answering. The councilman had given them three hours of time but with the exam paper having more than two hundred plus questions, she didn't know how one could complete the paper on time.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Lol! They will know that you are a woman based on your name
Looking at the top, she first wrote her name as asked. Happy that they hadn't asked for the gender or the species one belonged to, she started reading the questions which had enough space where one could write the expected answer.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
I love how hot headed he is, it’s pretty cute 😂
Not long ago he had declared her to be his and here she was looking at the man with interest that slowly boiled the blood that flowed beneath his skin pale skin.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
He’s obsessed with rue and I’m enjoying it haha. I actually really like him
Caroline was happy to show off her new dress she wore, though it was tighter than she had expected it to be. What she didn't know was that all those beautiful clothes in her mansion had been made for her older sister, not her.
Claimed by the Prince of Darkness
Fantasy · ash_knight17