Really wanted to read more, unfortunately I can't afford it. Still great story, keep it up author-sama!
Condolence author-sama, praying for your well-being and comfort for the family.
Nice, TFTC!
Tried to read the mtl version and it's pretty confusing to me. So I'll stick to your version. Thanks for translating! Waiting for more~
Author-saaamaaaaaaaa where art thou? Don't abandon us poor readeeerrrrsssss😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
This book has been deleted.
Nice premise, it's rare to find hollywood stories with a female MC director, so I'm happy that I found this hidden gem. Though quiet immaturish in writing style compared to more prominent works, still it is pretty good. It's readable and understandable. I hope that the story progression will be more realistic onwards for I find it hard to believe that she won a grammy award so early on the story with only 1 known worldwide work. And I also hope that other characters will be more flesh out too. And lastly I hope that this is not yuri. I have nothing against it but it's just not my preference. Better yet I hope that the romace side of the story will be way way far ahead. That's all I think. Keep it up author-sama! Thank you for sharing your work!
Thanks for the chapters author-sama! Though, I find it quiet illogical that they still did't know that Faaris is the culprit. When there are only 2 prominent villains in Laila's life. They shoud have traced it by now. Either from Cooper's angle or that gal from Arab. XY is useless aside from his makeup skills & that 1 time...
Love itttt, unfortunately I can't afford to continue reading it! Still a good novel! Keep it up author-sama!
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