Pfft! Got love Yuno for that attitude/bluntness. He’s never changed and it’s amazing.
Oof. That’s sucks. I haven’t experienced throwing up just bile, but I know the burning/tingling sensation in your throat after you throw is because of that. The bile attacks the lining of the esophagus, which causes the sensation.
How does the MC keep throwing up if he hasn’t eat in, what, days? Weeks? Is it just bile at this point?
There are many different types of bulldogs. Look at the American bulldog for an example. Plus they have a history of being used in dogfighting. (Not trying to be mean, just trying to inform.)
"My siblings said it's a bulldog," the little girl said between sobs. "This is a secret, but Bruno is a dog used for fighting. If our father finds out that I lost him, he will punish me."
Fantasy · sola_cola
Thanks for the chapter! 🎉Congratulations on getting ✨contracted!✨🎉 I’m excited to see what and how things pan out in the academy. This Song Wangcheng seems like he might know a thing or two. I hope he can keep a secret well. Also, dang, this academy is reminding me of the overpriced things in regular universities. If it’s anything like our modern day ones, then the course required books’ prices are going to be outrageous.
Thanks for the chapter!
Hours later there I was sitting under our family tree after being bullied by Apollo and Ezekiel. I was pretty sure if I did not willingly walk over by myself they would have dragged me kicking and screaming. So there I was sitting with a pout as I waited for Cloud to appear. Within minutes I heard footsteps behind me.
LGBT+ · Matli_Unicorn
How chilling!
How many Empires had he seen fall? How many kingdoms? And how many of those so-called Emperors had a similar look of disdain for all that was alive? The answer was almost all of them. there were simply too many to count. But the pure contempt, or rather the lack of it, that Feigr's gaze carried was chilling. Even if thousands of innocent lives were taken before him at this very moment, he wouldn't even care to blink. It was the air of someone who disdained the very earth, believing it unworthy of soiling his feet. An arrogance that was only carried by those believing themselves to be Gods.
Fantasy · Marine0IQ
Karl looked at Lucas who just went to Anne as soon as he noticed Her. he dared to leave him alone. Karl would remember this and use this later. How dare Lucas leave him when he clearly knew he needed help running away from the girls?!
My Dear Duke(BL)
LGBT+ · Sweet_Vanilla553