bro died like a real npc
"Sigh… Even though I know Tsunade won't have any real problems in the future, I can't help but feel a little worried."
Anime & Comics · HyppoTL
selamın aleykum gardaşş
Hello everyone. This is my first time writing a book, so please forgive my lack of experience. The book is about the reincarnation of a Turkish university student into the spirit of young Osman II after his death, without losing his memories. Since I am not a historian, there may be some historical inaccuracies, so please feel free to point them out in the comments, and I will try to correct them as much as possible. Also, English is not my first language, so the same applies to language and grammar mistakes. Thank you in advance. I hope you enjoy my book.
History · mrhalk_12
Very good characters, very good plot. I hope main character influences konoha more. Like controlling every clan from shadows, hell even the village. He can kill danzo easily. I hope writer will pick up story more. İIhope he can change will of orochimaru.
As the aide gave an affirmative answer and turned to take his leave. Alex couldn't help but muse about the event, and how things might have turned out if he went. Sure, she wouldn't lower herself to become another of Tony's conquests, but it was a chance to play around with him.
Movies · Darkstar_crow
average web novel reader. stfu bozo
Who knew that everything would unfold like this? When I read the manga, this world may have been a "Dark Shonen," but it didn't seem so complicated in such simple matters.
Anime & Comics · amattsu
don't listen to old comments. HE CAN COOK
olabilir. Kanka quantum makinesi varken gerçekcilik tezat düşeceği için oraya girmeyelim bile
ok. Ama ülkenin bir dünyanın süper gücü olmama ihtamli yok. Ayrıca ana karakter şuan modernize ettiğinden dolayı ilk kısımda karakterlerle alakalı konusmalari okuyucuları sıkmasın diye kısa tuttum. hikayenin konusundan dolayı maks 70 80 bölümlük bir roman olacak.
hocam bana fikirler geri bildirimler verebilir misin lütfen
stick man
England's Greatest
Celebrities · Sinbad_12