Honeslty in this world you can probably get cyberware to do this
Carl figured it out. His golden finger wasn't just a simple translator. Instead, it was a tool that compiled and analyzed his memories, digging into the knowledge buried deep within his mind. Essentially, it extracted information he had already seen or heard before and presented it to him as translations or descriptions.
Video Games · SrMagnus
He probably would only be able to stay big for a very short amount of time since he needs to use tons of chakra to water walk
He endured these attacks and slapped the ship in front of him with both hands.
Anime & Comics · AnimeFanfic01
Oh I was just confused because it’s been a while lol
It was cool tho, I spoke with an attractive woman for 2 hours of it, then she got of and a crazy old man took her place and told me about how he is a mystic and how he has spoken with God. Also his brother is rocky.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
What happened :O
It was cool tho, I spoke with an attractive woman for 2 hours of it, then she got of and a crazy old man took her place and told me about how he is a mystic and how he has spoken with God. Also his brother is rocky.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
No I meant what happened while he was in the ricer
This paragraph has been deleted.
Sci-fi · Complete darkness
You would think this would be expensive too
Without any excessive words, everyone unanimously took out the standard kunai submachine guns of the Flying Unit from their backs.
Anime & Comics · AnimeFanfic01
Kinda wild he is that strong and letting genin die cause he wants to hide
That's all I know. I can't speak to what happened to the others."
Anime & Comics · Kora_Joshua
This is weird though because they don’t know if it can even be passed down
"Before this goes back to every clan in the room tonight," The Hokage said, standing and walking around to the front of the desk. "Please remember to pass on that attempting to suck up to the leader of a future clan is in terrible taste, especially since he's only twelve and only a week out of the academy. Am I understood?"
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
Wonder what will happen
So, it was with a great deal of trepidation that he made his way to the Hokage's office, where all of the other Jounin were gathered before the Hokage to discuss their teams. He also knew that people were waiting for him to pass a team. He had hoped to save that for Uchiha Sasuke or his Sensei's own son in a year.
Anime & Comics · NeverluckySMILE
Paper money :O
After pocketing a total of 230 eurodollars, Carl gave the green-haired mohawk a moment of silent respect as a farewell, then turned to leave.
Cyberpunk: The Relentless
Video Games · SrMagnus