
LV 1
2019-11-27 Joined Global
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3 years ago

Bro im a freshman in highschool and i only started learning that now.

"It's easy, Bobby. You just need to memorise the Sin part. See, the Cos is the reverse of Sin and Tan is Sin divided by Cos." Magnus taught him.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

3 years ago
Replied to The_Record_Of_Fish

It is, but not the same.

That starts the landslide of oaths as everyone in the crowd does theirs one by one. Even those that truly didn't want to take the oath did it as well. Peer pressure is a beautiful thing.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

3 years ago

Thats because all teachers live at school.

3 years ago
Replied to Some1_Human

Ye i feel even worse i found this when it had like 20 chapters, i forgot about it until now. But back then it seemed like it was dropped.

3 years ago
Replied to Dragon_Lord_9611

Oh hello Zeus one of your half a million kids is annoyed and is destroying the world because he's a demigod and mad, at you.

"Yassas, this is Zeus speaking."

Ball of Nothing

Ball of Nothing

Fantasy · Destiny_Aitsuji

3 years ago

But trees are plants, and wood is made of trees, so shouldn't it be more or as destructive and fierce as the wood release, since trees are included, the more i was talking about would probably come from some strong plants or combinations of some.

"Everyone knows Senju clan as one of the fiercest clans in the warring era. If truth be told, that era was more fierce and brutal than any wars that have been fought since the creation of shinobi villages. In those times, it was all about survival of fittest. A wide variety of arts and jutsus were developed in those times, even some powerful Kekkei Genkai. Few clans even tried to make new ones by selective breeding between captives of different Kekkei Genkai. Anyway, coming back to Senjus, in addition to Wood Release (Mokuton) the First Hokage was famous for, there was one more type developed by Senjus. It was however more demanding in requirements, and not as fierce and destructive as Wood style. Hence it slowly died out, but according to Tobirama Sensei, it had the potential to be the perfect all round style suitable for Ninjas. That Release type was Plant Release (Shokuton), which was displayed by Jun."

Born as a Sage in Naruto World

Born as a Sage in Naruto World

Anime & Comics · NiksElDrago

3 years ago
Replied to Manik_Halder

I think he's talking about the actual Veldanava you know Milim's dad.

(Being a dragon you are very resistant to magic only the magic of beings like veldanava can hope to make a scratch)

The new rimuru

The new rimuru

Anime & Comics · shiro_ngnl

3 years ago

Yep with the strenght of her hair she can pick up one whole American.

(A/N: 272 kilograms is 600 lbs for us Americans)

My Hero Academia: Kaguya's rebirth

My Hero Academia: Kaguya's rebirth

Anime & Comics · ZJAY_1