Best decision Robert has done.
Peasantgirl's chat response should be awesome!
The ugly truth about War is that there are always the losers. Great job at portraying their side.
Pirate haven turned trades port!
If Stark wasn't busy enjoying the duel between two great knights, he could've saved his sister.
Nicely written KING. Yep he stopped being anyone else when he became a King.
I'm pretty sure they do. One of the exam in the chunin exams has a formula on physics that's related to throwing a kunai.
Most people in this world did not even know what gravity was. They did not study physics or chemistry in the schools over here. No such thing really existed.
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Have Jake visit his dead beat dad.
Andrew felt a mix of surprise and confusion. So it was true. The characters from The Big Bang Theory were standing right in front of him, in the flesh.
TV · Nathe07
Semiramis is under a man of the cloth... again. Rider finally remembers! But which Medusa is she? Archer just can't take the fake Excalibur to his beloved's sword.
Torturer got taken captive as prisoner. Oh the irony.
Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)
TV · Chill_ean_GUY