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Fantasy · Almun_
So the end of the novel? It is possible for it to happen, but that usually signifies the end of the book/movie since the protagonist is now dead. So basically you want the novel to end?
"I know, just as well that I'm not going to risk any more of my men. Felix and Verna survived last time by a miracle, and so did I. We're tired and exhausted, we won't be of much use, and if we die, leave morality behind, it will be a huge loss to the Citadel."
Fantasy · Arlemit
One of the tags is “genius”…
D*mn you system!
Fantasy · Master_OfDao
Guess we will at least get some theories on Ozuls origins soon! Good luck with uni as well! Don’t worry, those who are still here are invested and don’t mind waiting!
Thanks for the chapter! I really enjoy the story so can’t wait for more! ✨
When everyone saw the candidate, they felt like their minds had stopped working.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
In the chapter when Wester died there was a line about powerful mages being able to lie by manipulating the resonance. Key word being ‘mage’ that’s why Wester was so shocked about the things he heard as no warrior was able to do that, so everything was the truth.
"But then, he died."
Fantasy · Warmaisach
Those emperors f-ed up big time. If they had just allowed him to take the mana thing then there was still a chance at things not being so bad. But now? They are basically holding a gun to their own heads begging Shang to take it and pull the trigger.
"This world is worthless."
Fantasy · Warmaisach
I guess we have our new objective now. Wonder how it will play out since Ozul also have a viable way of gaining power gain, especially with the upcoming war. Thank you for the chapter, can’t wait for the next!
Unsealing Emptiness
Eastern · Bird_0f_Hermes