Loved this chapter ! Especially the slapping of Ulfric’s young master face !
Is he smoking salvia divinorum (or whatever its name is)?
Wait up, I died once?! Whut!? Who even am I?
Video Games · Rastislav
Me think Uncle Sheo is having a laugh teaching (torturing) influencable minds…
'That thing was larger than him when he started!' I realize with dawning horror.
Video Games · Rastislav
Moreover, mutant is still a term used to disparage them, as is « Mutie ». As for popularizing the term… yes, for now It’ll be limited to a small group. Until someone influential starts to use it.
« I'm talking about terminology. » In a lower voice, I explain : « You know how I've always hated the word mutant, right ? Especially considering that I'm one of them now… Well, I wanted another term to call my… kind. That's how I've decided we should be called. Thanks for the tip, Skye, by the way ! Alter-Human. And not just for mutants but for you, Doreen, too or anyone presenting some kind of genetic difference from other humans. »
Anime & Comics · Cathbel
You think of Marvel mutants because you’re not in the Marvel comics and you know the franchise. Mutants in marvel however, while often shown on TV are a minority. And a minority who emerged relatively recently. So, your argument doesn’t necessarily work here.
« I'm talking about terminology. » In a lower voice, I explain : « You know how I've always hated the word mutant, right ? Especially considering that I'm one of them now… Well, I wanted another term to call my… kind. That's how I've decided we should be called. Thanks for the tip, Skye, by the way ! Alter-Human. And not just for mutants but for you, Doreen, too or anyone presenting some kind of genetic difference from other humans. »
Anime & Comics · Cathbel
Harry grinned and stood up. Then he quickly started pulling ambient magic into himself. Very quickly the air about him began to swirl. His hair began to rustle a little with it.
Movies · Fictiontopia
Wasn’t it a floo point like an apartment or something in the vicinity ?
After words of parting the Grangers left to exit the station out the muggle entrance, while the Greengrasses returned through the barrier to the platform to portkey away.
Movies · Fictiontopia
Over the next half hour over two dozen students ranging from new First Years up to even Fourth Years came in. Over forty percent were Ravenclaws; about a quarter each were Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, and there were a couple of Slytherins. Just about all of them ooh'ed and ahh'ed at the decor. They were also joined by the full contingent of 'The Seven', as they were coming to be known.
Movies · Fictiontopia
Star Trek technology…
Madam Bones just nodded with a grim look, drew her auror's badge from underneath her robes and tapped it with the tip of her wand. Speaking into it, she barked, "I want all on duty aurors not otherwise engaged to hustle their bums to the Great Hall in Hogwarts now! We've got an emergency here, people!"
Movies · Fictiontopia
A stone for ya boi Torygg!
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav