though to be fair, in my eyes, krieg wouldn't fall under special forces since their troops are just mass produced and be a "regular" standing army. ______________________________________ fun fact #1: Did you know krieg regiments are one of the few VERY rare armies allowed to field multiple divisions (like having an artillery divsion with an infantry divsion for example). the reason for this is when guilliman split the legions, he also split the mortal armies into 4 separate divisions (infantry, armored, artillery, and air). To ensure that even when 1 rebelled, they could be put down easily by calling in another that's a direct counter. Rounding this back to krieg, they've been proven absolutely loyal even when fighting demons and tratior astartes that they can be trusted to field a normal army ________________________________________ Cadians would fall under an elite army status. a good example of special forces would be the catachan jungle fighters or, more specifically, the special forces unit named catachan devils made up of the best of the best from the regular standing army. _______________________________________ fun fact #2 Sly Marbo is a catachan devil (aka the 40k meme of a guardsman screaming AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!) [Just look up 40k tts sly marbo on YouTube, and you'll find it there]
[AN: The Imperial Guard is roughly equivalent to modern-day special forces units. Of course, with the ridiculous scale and constant combat of 40k, those 'special forces' number more than the Earth's entire modern population by an order of 10 and they're all veterans of some kind or another… Most of the Imperium's regular soldiers (think that one marine stereotype that you know) are relegated to PDF units and other forces like that. People just see billions of soldiers in the lore and assume that they're all just some guy who was handed a lasgun and told to fight. That's not true. To become a Guardsman is to reach the peak of what a regular Human can achieve naturally. I could go on and on about how Imperial Guard lore is misunderstood and underestimated but I'll stop here to keep this short lol.]
Video Games · Daddy
what, the games 6 years old now!?
"No you dog, not irrelevant but a code to live by. I mean look at you. There is nowhere you can hide Heracles. Put as much distance between you and the truth as you can, it changes nothing. Pretend to be everything you are not….teacher….Husband…FATHER. There is one unavoidable truth you will never escape, you will always be…A MONSTER."
Book&Literature · Jaquaviontavious
Coincidence? I think not.
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
magnificent mustache!
Cygnus Greengrass
Book&Literature · Daddy
Turning back to my patrons, I saw them staring at me as if I were the second coming of Jesus and a man with a death wish all at once, "What? What'd I do?"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
petition to change horus to boris permanently.
Back on topic, Dureaus is to be her Primarch. His job is to rack up what would essentially be points of interest. Actions may vary, outcomes vary as well. He may decide to play the nice card, and slowly build up his patron's reputation. Once recognised, she may be officially titled whatever the most common title others see her as– in this case, Empress Alicia Vendrandar of Universe Vendra. Once recognized, she would no longer be considered a ROB but an actual higher entity recognized by existence itself.
Video Games · Zesrael
fencer armor best armor!
[Items: 4,537 Legion Points | Fencer Armor | 3x Mapo tofu | 18x Junk | Buster Blade | Silver Garb]
Video Games · Zesrael
best mother ever
She said 'It's simple: make it your bitch.'
Video Games · Zesrael
put sanctified before relic. and holy after relic so it would be: standard, Mastercrafted, artificer, sanctified, relic, holy
One was the Reward System. A particular system that rewards violence. Each final blow granted an item. From currency to world breaking weapons to beacons that vary in effects. It even comes with a dedicated inventory with infinite space; able to store inanimate objects– even the dead. Must be in arms reach though. It can also scrap items for currency, usable in his current world and his other system. The items range from white, green, blue, yellow, purple, and orange– Common, Uncommon, Rare, Elite, Masterwork, and Legendary– respectively.
Video Games · Zesrael
the grey knights were founded by malcador, the sigilette using loyalist marines from the tratior legions at the time of the horus heresy and given the emperors gene-seed to the later neophytes. [that is stated canon] ___________________________________ the blood ravens' best prevailing theory is that they are thousand sons successor chapter due to the VERY high number of psykers among their ranks, their inherent desire to know more than they should, their motto "knowledge is power, guard it well" is an extended motto of a thousand sons pre heresy motto for a small gathering that I forget what they are called, but their motto is "knowledge is power" and finally in a book (I can't recall correctly which one) is that arihman the guy who cast the rubric and turned most of the thousand sons to dust, made an off hand comment to an amnesia-addled blood raven he found and traveled with that they would've been brothers so long ago. [ That last fact, though true, is still up for debate amongst lore experts since the author of that said story goes in REALLY odd directions when writing about traitor astartes] ___________________________________ And the space sharks idea is a nice thought, but the best prevailing theroy is they are either a chimera of raven guard and nightlords gene-seed or loyalist nightlords. ___________________________________ finally, Games Workshop actually has an in-house rule (AKA, a rule for their own writers for canon) that no lore made be written expanding upon the 2nd and 12th legions then their currently is, which is that they were wiped out and were subjected to the edict of obliteration, never to be mentioned again. hell, whatever happened to them was bad enough that rogal dorn had his memory of what happened to them sealed by malcadore and when dorns memory block was removed by malcador just to show him what he needed to forget, we got a horror filled face of dorn just before the memory was resealed. Let me reiterate the seriousness of this. Dorn, the most emotionless, stoic, and unphased from any horror thrown at him out of any primarch next to Purtarabo, was horrified at just the memory of what happened to them.
But two legions were to be forever forgotten. They were never found, and their legions obliterated and erased from Imperial records.
The Wrath of the II Legion
Video Games · Zesrael