
male LV 15


2019-08-12 Joined Global
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9 months ago

This entire scene makes no actual sense. Why did she abduct him, if she is a colleague of Green Arrow, this runs entirely contrary to standard actions used by heroes even when they are shot. More to the point, for all he knew the archer was black arrow or the league of shadows, both which use archers in their ranks and are more prone to criminal activity (League of shadows especially in Gotham.) Bruce made a bit of a leap by just thinking it was Green Arrow. He would have been in the right here to force the issue. Also Selene came out of no where. There are a lot of holes here. I don't mind randomness, but atleast make the randomness make some sense. Either way, thanks for the chapter.

1 years ago

why didn't mutaito use mafuba to seal the demon like he did to piccolo in Canon? Thanks for the chapter.

2 years ago

I hate when people do this with a negotiation. at this point I would collect my people and leave. they proved untrustworthy and so getting an alliance with them makes no sense. no matter what bs they spout. thanks for the chapter.

2 years ago

So just started following good story, although I will say that your first two heists were a lot better than the third. The third made him seem like an amateur. If you need some inspiration I would suggest watching something like white collar. So things I would have done different, use the illusion spell with the mist in order to fool the aurors and create chaos. Rather than a random path to with the item surrounded by aurors, his better bet would have either been straight after the theft before they left or after they are in the secure location as they would be letting their guard down, (assuming he cased where it would be taken). Another thing I noted is that he went all gun ho, instead of looking at every exit strategy he could have used some of which would have made him able to leave without any fighting. Normally exit strategies are planned before the operation. Why was the MC in such a rush for this particular fight? Also, given the close quarters he could have used the sword or instead of announcing himself at all, he could have followed them with a mix of spells and his invisibility cloak. Thanks for the chapter, hope fore more.

2 years ago
Replied to MrEnigma

I can't remember if it was in chapter or off chapter but they have talked about each others races. so he would have probably told her.

2 years ago

The Fight feels disjointed. Kiba could have teleported to riser when he tries to escape. But before that why did it take so long for the kunai to come down. Given magic is either done via intent, he should not need handsigns. also at one point riser is burning via black flames, but not being damaged and just burns into a phoenix but the next kiba slashes him with the same attack and does massive damage. Given that your character seems to be standing still at several junctures of this fight, I can only assume he is being cocky and mocking him. Cause truthfully what stopped Kiba from continuously slashing him preventing him from removing the initial Black flames. Thanks for the Chapter. (Your fight scenes need a bit of work.)

This book has been deleted.
2 years ago

+1 Naruto

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

Technically speaking, Konoha is in a state of emergency meaning military ranking are paramount, the current commanding Officers are Jiraiya due to his position, Nara Shikaku as Anbu Commander and Kakashi as Jonin Commander, the advisory council should have no authority right now. Thanks for the Chapter.