Thanks for pointing that out
This paragraph has been deleted.
Sci-fi · Foxman
Thank you so much for enjoying my work! And stay safe!
I'm happy to see that you've enjoyed reading my work and due to personal reasons I have to drop this for the time being. In the future, I might continue writing this first story of mine and will be using the experience I gained to make improvements. For now, I'm in the process of writing a new novel that you and other readers will enjoy. Have a great day and stay safe.
Well, the ambassador isn't like the typical ambassador we have IRL. The ambassador in the chapter represents the interest of the human race and not just millions but billions of people back on Earth and other colonies. So when you assassinate someone with that much public support and interest... well people would want revenge. Further explanation will be read in future chapters. Thank you for reading!
Life With Humanity
Sci-fi · Foxman