Then from a great distance, a horse's whinny echoed back.
History · Count Constantine
that or the fact that its not a very clean and easy job trying to build a trench in raining weather compared to a dry warm weather.
Wang Zhong turned to ask Pavlov, "The airfield has a meteorological unit, right? What's the latest weather forecast? How soon will it rain?"
History · Count Constantine
Vasily laughed, "This reminds me of a British novel I read as a child, where a dwarf warrior couldn't see outside during a siege because of his short stature..."
History · Count Constantine
Wang Zhong suddenly stopped, gazed intently at the body before him, and with a heavy heart, he read out the name, "Aleksei Balfyonovich. May you reunite with the girl in heaven."
History · Count Constantine
technically a red panda but potato patatoe, its close enough.
A small rat figure, donned in a black robe spoke.
Eastern · Cultured_Daoist69
Oh yeah, he's pretty much the same height as Ries wasn't he?
Sci-fi · Draekai
she could be working and living in North America.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Urban · Yinghuo_392
"Shit!!!" I blurted out before I dashed out of the scene, running as fast as I could without looking back.
Fantasy · Kirito_K5
It's called tradeoffs. At this point in time, MC doesn't know anything about the old man beyond the fact that he has authority in an environment that is unfamiliar to the mc. Any resistance would place him at the same level or lower as the guy who provoked him and ruin first impressions or label him as a ruffian/criminal. If he followed the old man, he could defend himself if attacked or maybe get necessary info depending on what happens. Thus it is better for the mc to not fight as doing so would lead to unnecessary problems.
Xzavier wanted to chip in the fact that it was in fact the punks' fault. But he restrained himself from committing himself to an argument with the old man. It was obvious that he wielded an impressive amount of authority here. Also, he seemed reasonable. So Xzavier weighed the odds and decided to indulge him;
Fantasy · Taosnothing
thank u for posting a new chapter. keep up the good work.
Black Market Merchant
Sci-fi · KyleSullivanJr