Bro said squad lol
"Squad, maybe we should give him some time alone," he suggested quietly, not wanting to disturb Liam any further. If there was one thing he had learned in life, it was that sometimes people just needed a bit of time to themselves.
Sci-fi · Zexeli
That's... mad annoying if You're all grown up lol
"Come on... our butterfly..." she begged, starting to play with his antenna by pinching it at the base and moving her fingers along its length, careful not to hurt him.
Sci-fi · Zexeli
"Hey, Liam," Kevin started, placing a hand on his back, "if you tell us what happened, I'll finally show you one of those... uh, forbidden folders you've been bugging me about."
Sci-fi · Zexeli
If you're info rapid-paced stories, then this novel is for you. I quite like that while it starts with the endgame battle between the demon King and a god of some kind (in this case the god of war), it makes it feel a little more thrilling and not because of the action. You can tell where the story is going though, when the prospect for Reincarnation is introduced but still. In any case, I like that Khane and Eyrin don't suddenly become enemies in the first few chapters of their introduction. The bond between them is outlined well to setup the "incident" that forces them apart. I do wish the author did a bit more to show how close they were though. Not like over many chapters; just one chapter with richer interactions, but I get that the author has a vision of the story and I haven't seen what most of it looks like. I like that the story has so far chosen to explore the complexity involved with Eyrin and what his father did to Khane's father. I hope the author can explore how Eyrin navigates dealing with the consequences of something he wasn't a part of. Great piece author!
Ah yes. There it is. I must have missed the seeds of the fact that the Vexar was trying to usurp the throne though. I mean other than the narration. In any case, I think the author is trying to breeze through the inconsequential details.
This is a rather interesting turn of events. I didn't think this was where it would go between Khane and Eyrin. I wonder what Khane intends to do though. even if he doesn't blame Eyrin
Classic. The different circumstances of the two's births are interesting. I expected them to be more different than this, but maybe that'd where the charm is
"That is, if it's a male. If it's a female, bethothing them will be great and it will solidify our alliance and secure the future of our empire." The emperor said.
Fantasy · Dgirlblusky
I sense a dreadful rivalry between the newborns here
The queen, still weak from childbirth, smiled faintly." It's a good name, My Emperor. Born in the midst of chaos, it feels like his birth will end the war in the heavens."
Fantasy · Dgirlblusky
This novel is definitely working with the wholesome moments. Definitely helps the slower start
Project Insectoid: My Hybrid Ascension
Sci-fi · Zexeli