I swear when he loses his virginity with the Dragon gods blood he will get the person pregnant
"Ahnn!!♡♡♡♡♡!" The baby pudding hit her uterus causing her to climax once more. Her eyes rolled down her skull and she fainted.
Book&Literature · ImmortalCockroach
continue to update here as well
To be honest I would prefer to be born way before Canon as I would raise and train dead soldiers.
They were after status, not love. While he was after power. He had not forgotten why he was here. He was here to change the cannon and make a nuisance of himself. He had 7 more years until he was 18 when the cannon started.
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
why can't she have powers related to cause and effect and destiny.
She acts as a referee for some rating games, so I thought why not some mastery over space? So *cough* limitless?
Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_
more omake
"Well, that was fun." I hummed, rejoining the others.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
comics or MCU
"I do know of a Metal somewhere; I can help you look through the list to see if I can find it again. But what was it called…? Vibro...Vibranium? It was a particularly noteworthy metal because beyond its physical structure—which was impressive in and of itself for a mundane metal—it had the ability to resist magic."
A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne