

male LV 4

don't be a gossip that knowledge is only for me

2019-06-01 Joined Spain
Original works
Badges 6

Moments 1726
4 months ago

getting closer to being aquaman


The reason for this was because it allowed the user to temporarily copy and use the abilities of whoever they killed and it did indeed have to be a person. The simple fact was I had no reason and doubted I ever would have a reason to use this ability, I had so many abilities that I was unlikely to ever need it for anything. Finally of course was water resistance that was exactly like the name implied, the ability to resist the use and effects of water on you.

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro

5 months ago

That last part of Pickle made me imagine him playing with action figures before going to sleep, the fantasy has been making me sick lately

5 months ago

And who decided that?


"Humans can't fight vampires on equal terms... Who are you?"

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq

5 months ago

Marvel hurt me, Knull Tepes acted and in my head I said since when is the symbiote god a vampire and a Tepes XD


Krul Tepes is the current ruler of Japan.

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq

1 years ago
Replied to Big_Mushroom

refers to the beginnings, specifically the part that includes content from the Tokyo Revengers series

"For God's sake, time travel exists in this world. Another system isn't the most unrealistic thing I'd see."

Path to Strength

Path to Strength

Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy

1 years ago

and this is how the kishin direct were born, presentations that would attract people like moths to a light


Many couldn't help but notice that KiShin had invested significantly just for an introduction...

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714

1 years ago

thanks for the chapter

1 years ago

For versatility of skills I would say that Rider suits him (since they tend to be more versatile) although he has not ridden anything extremely striking/important, beyond the humvee, because of the halberd in Lancer, his imitations of Babylon Archer door, his crazy mode against the good goblin Berserker, as a practitioner of magic he could be a Caster, he also knows swordsmanship, so Saber is not ruled out either, of the extras I would say that as someone of a nature foreign to the Beast world he could be, as someone who has seen the Watcher world, but I would say that the one that suits it the most by far, even counting the main ones, would be Voyager as it is a world traveler

PSS: Some people mentioned him becoming a servant. In which class do you think he would be summoned? (Hint: He can be summoned in more than one)

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

1 years ago

Because of the memes with Rin and the possible taunts in the chat, my bet is Ishtar and secondly Ereshkigal to end the thighverse I mean the Tohsakaverse

PS: Some commented about FATE and the 5th war; that's something from the future. Still, if he were to summon a servant, which servant do you think it would be?

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

1 years ago

The first thing that comes to mind like that would be overlord, log horizon, re:zero or yojo senki. But my bet is on Overlord because he is better known and how funny it would be to see Ainz in the chat with Demiurge.


And about the (Rainbow) mission, where do you think it will take place? (Hint: A world where Devas will obtain enhancements of all kinds—energy, magic, equipment, weapons, accessories—and there are plenty of enemies and wars in various kingdoms and continents!)

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

  • Keegan's Diary original

    Keegan's Diary


    The story follows Keegan, a former trainer from Flannery's gym in Lavaridge Town, who is forced to enlist in Hoenn’s Fourth Battalion. Through the pages of his journal, Keegan recounts the challenges, tensions, and horrors of this mission, from the fear for his partner Pokémon, Slugma, to the doubt of whether he will ever live a peaceful life again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES 1- I want to clarify that this fanfic began as a meme from the community of ElRandes’ YouTube and Twitch channel, inspired by his Pokémon Team Rocket Edition series. The story starts right after the game’s protagonist wins the Kanto League. 2- I will update the fanfic when I can, as this is a project I’m doing for fun and as a tribute to the ElRandes community. 3- Mainly short chapters, and when I say short, I mean really short. Thank you for reading!

    7 Chs 2 Collections

  • Diario de Keegan original

    Diario de Keegan

    Video Games

    La historia sigue a Keegan, un ex-entrenador del gimnasio de Candela en Pueblo Lavacalda, quien se ve obligado a alistarse en el Cuarto Batallón de Hoenn. Desde las páginas de su diario, Keegan relata los desafíos, tensiones y horrores de esta situación, hasta el miedo por el destino de su compañero Pokémon, Slugma, y la duda de si alguna vez volverá a vivir una vida en paz. ----------------------------------------------------------------- AVISOS 1- Quiero aclarar que este fanfic surge como un meme de la comunidad del canal de YouTube y Twitch de ElRandes, inspirado en su serie de Pokémon Team Rocket Edition. La historia comienza justo después de que el protagonista del juego gana la liga de Kanto. 2- Actualizaré el fanfic cuando pueda, ya que es un proyecto que hago por diversión y como homenaje a la comunidad de ElRandes. 3- Principalmente capítulos cortos, y cuando digo cortos es cortos de verdad. ¡Gracias por leer!

    7 Chs 1 Collections