So they killed her sister...
"Mikumo has been worth keeping an eye on, although things with Tsunade and the Senju clan are dicey right now, there's still hope for the future with these new seedlings. There's been no indication of Mikumo being a secret spy for the Senju, what is Towa planning? First, she took away all of the remaining Senju forces along with Tsunade, and now she gave me her granddaughter? Maybe this is her way of making amends. If she knew about what happened during the second shinobi war, there's no way she would willingly give way her granddaughter like this."
Anime & Comics · xancia
I count 13 moves?
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is this silent or did he shout an incantation?
"In the first position we have," he paused before continuing, "the Beauxabatons' champions, FLEUR DELACOUR!" Quinn raised his wand and shot out fireworks in the shape of the Beauxbatons insignia, which turned into Fleur's face before disappearing.
Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
Her grand parents and parents are dead. so they aren't at home.
"Fleur, back me up, would you?" said Lia. "At my home, all have attended Hogwarts. I alone went to Beauxbatons, and whenever I try to say that our school is better, they all shut me down, saying that Hogwarts is better. Don't you think that ours is better?"
Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
thanks for the chapter *throws power stones*
the egg?
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Anime & Comics · Monster_Paradise
sp def?
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Anime & Comics · alex02373
thx for the chapter
thx for the chapter
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Anime & Comics · Xierryne
what is wrong with you?
Alex was relieved to know that Jill was fine with him having more than one partner as he didn't want to leave Jill.
Pokemon : Aura of Darkness
Anime & Comics · Immortle_diablo123