

LV 14

I Must Consume BOOKS! I also blep sometimes.

2019-05-16 Joined Global
Badges 19

Moments 820
1 months ago

3 months ago

says, Daughter of Arachne, instead of Daughter of Athen

"Dad says you owe 14 years of child support." The daughter of Arachne said, looking right up at all the gods despite not being able to actually see them.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

4 months ago

WE'LL DOUBLE YOUR ORDER FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE! Just pay for separate shipping and handling.

4 months ago

it's not great, it's totally legible in an emergency, but it's pure power fantasy, with shallow characters, a main character that is way too OP for no reason, right off the bat. Author, if you read this I would recommend you flush out both the characters and the world some more, add some character development, and scale up the power of the MC much more gradually, maybe with some moments where he has to brain storm or maybe makes more monsters with more support powers to make himself more powerful, rather than him immediately making a cat god. I see potential, but i think ChatGPT is maybe holding you back, to me it's pretty obvious where you've been using it in some points, simply by the language and structure changing, if you want to improve your writing, I would recommend Grammarly or something similar. I would also recommend adding more details in general, things like describing facial expressions would people visualize the content more. Overall, you have the potential to be a good writer, but ChatGPT is holding you back, adding some more details to the characters and world, making them seem alive is what makes a story good, at the moment your world and characters seem lifeless, like they follow a set of bullet points of things you want to achieve. good luck with all your adventures, author-san.

7 months ago
Replied to Drojam

i have no idea how I didn't notice that before, that makes more sense

11 months ago

this is a ff made by Mister Grin, from fanfiction. net, this is easy to tell by the stark contrast in writing quality from the synopsis and the actual fanfictinon. He doesn't care about people posting his work, but at least credit him.

11 months ago
Replied to Doggos4Life

fair enough, I knew it by it's other name, i take it back

"Rapeseed oil is 104-116 degrees Celsius, corn oil is 160 degrees Celsius, walnut oil is 160 degrees Celsius, white sesame oil's smoke point is generally around 210 degrees Celsius, olive oil is 188 degrees Celsius, soybean oil is 110-116 degrees Celsius…"

Food Wars: Tavern

Food Wars: Tavern

Anime & Comics · michaeI

11 months ago

Might want to add a G at the start of the paragraph ...

"Rapeseed oil is 104-116 degrees Celsius, corn oil is 160 degrees Celsius, walnut oil is 160 degrees Celsius, white sesame oil's smoke point is generally around 210 degrees Celsius, olive oil is 188 degrees Celsius, soybean oil is 110-116 degrees Celsius…"

Food Wars: Tavern

Food Wars: Tavern

Anime & Comics · michaeI

11 months ago
Replied to AlphonseDoomhammer

fair enough, I mostly said it as a joke, i doubt Webnovel is gonna delete it with how money hungry they are. As a general rule I usually don't read Webnovel translated stuff that takes place in modern day, and it's mostly cuz of how racist China (generally) is.

11 months ago
Replied to AlphonseDoomhammer

report the Webnovel book to Webnovel for hate then