4. Batman (Bruce Wayne) (DC)
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
[+ 1 active skill. Hypnosis Dance level 1]
TV · blazuki
A section of the sandy ground rose up, revealing of all things, a tv screen. And on the screen were the words, 'Lets Play A Game.'
TV · Saintbarbido
This book has been deleted.
Jack parked his bike and entered the building, not aware of the intense gaze directed at him from one of the windows.
Movies · Alekzi
'Kill the sinners.' The voice says.
Movies · Alekzi
I felt my body being hit with a terrible amount of force and... I once again looked around and saw my arm in a mangled state, 'no I thought maybe it's only my arm I can't be that injured... right?' as I attempted to look at some other place in my body. I saw my legs twisted at disgusting degrees and there was something red pooling around me. but I quickly realized 'hey wait isn't that blood?' I tried to scream yet I could only produce a small yet painful squeak, suddenly I felt a horrifying pain that I never once thought was possible to even feel.
Anime & Comics · ChocoMintIce
Short hair or long hair for Serena's appearance?
Anime & Comics · Aht
The small figure smirked, puffing out his chest. "Yes, I am a gnome! Are you fascinated by how handsome I am? Do you want to be my wife?"
Teen Wolf: Alpha Reborn
TV · Ayoub_AMZ