so even higher than Nala who last time I checked was at intermediate 2. Makes me surprised though that during the fan reactions nobody talked about brandon and they talked more about nala.
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Music & Bands · PHONEIX_PRIMA
would honestly prefer a different love interest than her
Prince's eyes found Kitty Purry almost immediately. She was laughing quietly with Anos, her face lighting up in a way that was… distracting. He shook his head, focusing on the task at hand.
Music & Bands · PHONEIX_PRIMA
would be nice to see mc finish some of these villains, like literally "finish" them like dead dead....anyways nice to see you back author, hoping for more to come
"Bold words from a guy whose whole skillset is just monkey see, monkey do."
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
hopefully we'll get to see more than just the quick attack from the duo cuz otherwise, what would be the point of having had increased hinata's height when all he is is a one trick pony. Hopefully mc develops more than just what the original hinata showed and actually take advantage of his height cuz even his blocking is subpar....oh and it would also be nice to see more development from the other members like them developing their own moves....still a good chapter though, hope to see more
so they're entirely dependant on the quick attack? a one trick pony? bruh
"We know that very well, but there's nothing we can do. We'll just have to improve, and that's it..." said Hinata while playing his own game.
Anime & Comics · Nesszera
its now obvious that this is a chinese novel that author wont admit he is just translating....I mean its fairly obvious with how inconsistent the story is
dude may be 2cm taller, but hinata still has a higher jump so
"Indeed, he's 2cm taller than me," Hinata replied, watching as Kuroo went to the serving position.
Anime & Comics · Nesszera
bro author atleast do a better job of checking for inconsistencies, like dont just outright copy and paste....atleast check and remove some things like the ads and site links and check the grammar...
What rank is the MC's singing again?
Sing: The Talented Furry
Music & Bands · PHONEIX_PRIMA