"To Robert's left is a silver-haired young man, followed by two knights in white robes," Maester Cressen explained. "The silver-haired youth is Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. His house banner is a black field with three red dragons, symbolizing the royal family. Your father, King Aerys, and Lord Tywin, all grew up together, fighting side by side as close friends."
TV · RightTranslation
"We'll see about that," I said without taking my hands out of my pockets, a fact that caused a frown to grow on Dabi's scarred face.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Satoru narrowed his eyes. "...We'll see about that."
Anime & Comics · ZetharQuinn
The Captain of the Fifth Division is now held by the former Vice-Captain, Sosuke Aizen, with his Vice-Captain being Gin Ichimaru.
Anime & Comics · nyawdao3
Under Captain-Commander Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto's order, the position of the Captain of the Second Division was taken over by heir of Feng family affiliated with Shihoin noble family, Soi Fon.
Anime & Comics · nyawdao3
"Last chance, stop the HYDRA bullshit and admit your wrongdoings" Captain said.
Movies · Boring_World
The newspapers included a picture of the hand sign on their front pages - index finger and pinky raised, middle and ring fingers folded down, thumb tucked in. Many demon readers felt an inexplicable connection to it, sensing an impression of power in its simple gesture.
Movies · NewComer714
"How did I do?" I asked her, my eyes wide with anxiety.
TV · Ninja_King_3834
"To Robert's right is Oberyn Martell, Prince of Dorne. His house banner is a golden spear through a red sun. He killed a member of House Yrowood, which forced Prince Doran Martell's son, Quentyn, to serve as a squire for Yrowood. As a result, Oberyn was exiled, only allowed to return to Dorne during particularly important events."
Skyrim System In Westeros
TV · RightTranslation