Chen Xiao dug a glance at the head teacher, teacher Liao, the math teacher on the podium. If the teacher is there, you don't ask me, you ask me?
Movies · Blackheart33
Jean and Storm, after retrieving Nightcrawler, reunited with the escaped Logan and the others.
Movies · Naruto11
Well, following the points of the plan, I can already tell you how I will get a start-up capital of 'clean money'. Right now I have about $5 million in my account, and you'd say, 'Yay, that's enough for a lifetime!' But yikes, I'm a little above average for Marvel. My plan is that if events go exactly according to the KVM plot, when Tony returns, he will shut down weapons production at the Stark International factories.... After this announcement his stock will drop to half price and although Obadiah will be able to stabilise it, it will still be losing value before the motorway battle and the day before the market will be at its lowest and what better way to do that than to buy 5 million worth of Stark Industries stock cheap and watch people's faces when their value increases by 30-40% in just 1 day thanks to one phrase:
Movies · FanFictionPremium
Well the same actor played both roles
3.Become strong enough before Cable Thanos arrives.
Movies · FanFictionPremium
does he have way big?
"You know," Stark comments, firing repulsors from above, "I knew you had a big form, I just didn't think that it upclose meant 'makes-ancient looking-death-machines-look-small' big."
Movies · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
I hit the Ultimatrix symbol again, this time transforming into Terraspin. Some onlookers gasp - it's my first public use of this form. The turtle-like alien might look less impressive than Humungousaur, but for this situation, it's perfect.
Movies · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
30 or 300
"The 30 billion won man, Jo Soo-deok, has returned."
Book&Literature · InkBound
why didn't he get anything from the battle with the cell ?
After saying those words, Goten's form reverted from Super Saiyan II to his normal state, leaving both Cell and Krillin baffled by his sudden decision. They didn't understand Goten's approach at all.
Anime & Comics · Clay_Champion
did he forget the past life ?
Ben's eyes narrowed. "Fisk… I've heard that name before."
Omnitrix in MCU
Movies · AutumnXd