Gosh im crying
Wtf.. How can u end this story like this?????!!!!!?? Like wtf im reading.. Really i laughed so hard when i read the last chapterr.. Silly story .. I hate this
Under 200 chapter I quite enjoyed it but unfortunately the ending seems to be rushed.. Ugh please im not satisfied with the ending.. Masih banyak pertanyaan yg belom kejawab 😓
Whoah..so far this novel one of the best novel that i've read .. Character development is superB.. I like author style writing.. Not too much dialog not a lot of unnecessary dialogue Hope to read another story from this author soon,, xoxo 🥰
1st i want to read it and quite like it.. But i think the plot is quick and seem to be rush.. Buuut I don't like the end.. Like wtf 😭😭😭 No after story or whatever is it.. She's dead in the end? Soo what im reading soo far.. If the FL dead for a 2nd time in the end?????. Oh gosh!
Omg i love this novel and i can't bear to parting with this story.. I love how the author write this story and characters both of ML n FL.. No heartache and ML is trully like his status - omnipotent.. No menye2 club or just paper tiger.. Aiya i need more story from this author..
I thought the ending a lil bit rush.. And some mystery is unsolved like how about the poem Qin Yu learn from her parents cz her mother said it will be lead her to something wow.. And the conclusion about organization is not what im expected.. Maybe i thought a lil bit high and sometimes im confused about how the plot flow
Idk if someone remember 1. When Huo Mian eat Ah Ramen with Qin chu after she goes to Huo grandma funeral.. She changes her black dress with khaki sportwear but why after she eats and meets lingling suddenly she wear that black dress again????? 2. oH pleaseeee.. Su Yu.. U gave An a week holiday cz he said he'll go married - shot gun married after he knows his wife from tinder.. But why later that author said if An still single and his ex from college?? I still hold grudge for Author cz WHYYYYYYY SU YU END UP MARRIED HUO MIAN, even it's in pararel universe?? I felt pity for Qin Chu cz Huo Mian always dodge it when Qin Chu wants to hold a wedding.. Why MIan?? Do you love Su Yu?? Ugh pleasee.. Poor Qin Chu :(
Agree with you..
My favorite ..thank you 1st time i know this novel I'm not interested in reading it at all then when I idly read the manhwa..boom I immediately fell in love.. when the manhwa broke for the next season I immediately read the novel n It's worth my time
Trash Of The Count’s Family
Fantasy · ohcocanuts