Wat anime is this?
He was glad that Wakamatsu had threatened him to come, and discovering Tsuna's existence made him generous enough to forget about his Horikita Mai-chan magazine that was on the line.
Anime & Comics · mythoast
Nah yall bullying the author is crazy 😭
(AN: updated name for his quirk because you guys bullied me for my awful naming :< )
Anime & Comics · Sokk3
I never understood this. Why would u be angry that ur opponent spared u? U lost! By all definitions whatever the winner does to the loser is fair, but instead of killing u or making u his slave, he spared u. Gave u an out or opportunity to get stronger. WHY ARE U MAD AT THT????
Huo's body trembled, his breathing ragged. "You ignored me—walked away as if I were nothing! As if I weren't even worth finishing off!"
Movies · WRizz1
I thought he died from an illness in the movies too tho?
That is if Thanks isn't out there, trying to execute his demented plan of destroying half the universe.
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
Wat anime is this?
And then… they smiled.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
Mannn yall done bullied the author to write their own fic😭
🎶use the sleeves my sweater. Let’s have an adventure! Head in the clouds but my gravity’s centered. Touch my neck! N I’ll touch urs! U in those lil high waisted shorts ohhhh~🎶
A man sat nervously on the sofa in a quiet waiting room, softly singing to himself, "All I am, is a man, I want the world in my hands…" His voice was low, almost drowned out by the tap of his restless leg. But as he sang, his nerves slowly began to settle—his leg stopped bouncing, and the tension in his face eased.
TV · Narrativeninja007
U never needed to do that before tho🤨
Aron's gaze remained icy, but his hands began to crackle with energy. If he wanted, he could have absorbed Shaw's power. But he wanted to see how Shaw was using his power, his movements, his weakness, and every detail of power. Only then would he absorb his power.
Anime & Comics · UnknownMaster
Been a long time since I saw a reverend insanity gif
'Can you drink this?' he wondered as he noticed his hair had grown even longer. 'Should I let this grow out and become one of those long hair cultivation characters?'
Danmachi: Scavenger
Anime & Comics · Emerging