Not that much, I forgot Alsaran's last name was Vernallia. 😅
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Fantasy · Heather_ANARE
Tessly Aldoran? A couple chapters ahead, i think 4, her last name is Vernallia, so is there a meaning she has two different last names? like a secret identity, one is her real name, the other is her public name to fool everyone?
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Fantasy · Heather_ANARE
I really like the story. I was so scared when the show Haruki did backfired on him when Jun found out. I'm glad, though, that Haruki has a friend in 'Tashi'. Lol
Hun, I stopped trying to be Miss Perfect a long time ago. It was not worth it.
Haruki justified himself with a guilty mind of accepting Saito's diamonds.
LGBT+ · HinataPerolada
I couldn't have said it better myself.
I know people would be more concerned about other things, but I must say I'm happy about those bathroom mats especially.
Otherwise, there were movable metal storage containing medicines, sunscreen, moisturiser and soaps, as well as plastic trays containing trays plastic wrapped pieces of clothing, though they would need to go through it properly to see specifics. Toys and electronic games were stored in cardboard boxes, unfortunately much of this was useless due to the lack of electricity at this time, but there were also boxes of cushions and fleecy blankets in matching colours, towels and bathroom mats. They definitely could not say that this stuff lacked use.
Fantasy · Ebonsolaris
what happens next?!
Especially the last one.
'Be kind. Breathe and smile. And never forget to feed her several times. ' And the singer was gentle, silent and with a content smile plastered on his face.
LGBT+ · HinataPerolada
Creepy and embarrassing. What an amusing combo.
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LGBT+ · Ying_
It means you're beautiful, hun. Take the compliment.
A Character Inside The Novel
LGBT+ · FlufflyVoid