Oh woops. I was thinking they were on the couches/seatings in the store =]
This paragraph has been deleted.
Urban · Erosire
It is an artifact of Primordial ;) They are so powerful that items they hold and wears automatically becomes artifacts.
Jessica responded with a warm, adoring smile as she rose from the booth without a moment's hesitation, blissfully blind to the deeply untoward acts her husband and daughter were engaged in. From the perspective of the other lunchtime patrons and busy waitstaff, the booth now appeared vacant and unoccupied - Bobby's mind-bending powers making his and his 'family's' presence seem utterly unremarkable and easily overlooked.
Urban · Erosire
Yes, there are camera's around since the Ring only affect mental state.
Jessica responded with a warm, adoring smile as she rose from the booth without a moment's hesitation, blissfully blind to the deeply untoward acts her husband and daughter were engaged in. From the perspective of the other lunchtime patrons and busy waitstaff, the booth now appeared vacant and unoccupied - Bobby's mind-bending powers making his and his 'family's' presence seem utterly unremarkable and easily overlooked.
Urban · Erosire
Need to re-read that to continue it. Something to do :)
Sorry about that. I was away due to getting married and having kids. A full -time job to support the family too. Really wanted to finish all these stories I have ^^b
Time on Minas (the current arc) is even slower due to the Transmigration Quest. Earth is in normal time. Life Zone is distorted due to Magic, and Minas is World of Magic.
It is, but it is slow build.
They cannot read it before they are awakened. They can comprehend it after they are awakened, but that is not the same as "reading". It is their mind automatically understand the language without learning how each syllable sounds etc... If they learn how to read Runes, then they definitely can use basic Runic Magic ;)
"Swamp Roots?" Thomas asks since he also manage to read the inscription. "Is it what I think it is?"
Fantasy · Erosire
Nope. Just no time. I am writing whichever without any schedule =] Right now, writing One Last Merchant ^^
Will fix up these.
Ring of Desire
Urban · Erosire