
female LV 11

I'm just a simple student who dreamt to be a doctor and a surgeon someday. But faith is not on my side I guess

2018-12-23 Joined Philippines
Badges 13

Moments 22
3 months ago

Update🤪 Update🤪 Update🤪 Update🤪 Update🤪 I need an update🤪

3 months ago

Yuno IS petty.

3 months ago

Oh My Gosh! LUNA KING!!!! I thought someone plagiarized your work at first, but then I reached the end of this chapter. I always end up only reading the first books of your many series-except for the Fourth Order because you posted the second book. I'm one of those poor readers who's hoping you post your stories online only have it physically published. I have have a few physical copies of your books though, but I lost the first book of the Forth Order that unfortunately was on the batch of the faulty printing. It didn't have the special chapter that was exclusively on the physical copies. I still managed to read it though. I love Neon Colours by the way. I still re-read it from time to time. And it still gives the same effect on me. I can't believe it's been 7-8 years since I first read your stories.

4 months ago
Replied to CokeWhale

Just a piece of advice. Atleast have the decency to read atleast half of the novel or finish reading atleast the first volume. Chapter 133 wasn't even HALF of the first Volume of this novel. That wasn't even the tip of the Ice berg and you already judged it? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! If you're going to drop a novel even before getting the G's of it, they why bother rating it? Why not just drop it and get over with it? You're just adding to the number of commenters that makes the ratings of the novels not genuine. And comparing it Debut or Die is not actually necessary. I actually read Debut or Die first, months ago before reading this novel. Only the manhwa though, but I have a copy of the novel. I'm just figuring out which chapter in the novel they stopped illustrating. As you read further on this novel, you'll figure out the similarities and differences between this novel, and Debut or Die. I don't think Moondae and Gunwoo wasn't even in the same world dimension unlike Choi Chen Joonho and Jun ho, but Both June and Moondae got first place though. Around chapter 100, specially chapter 133 where you stopped, was when the June went back to practice after getting stabbed, was actually a consequence from the original MC's past. Which a plot after plot after another plot. But what can the author do? He wants to narrate Joon ho's past. It won't look good if he just suddenly insert a flashback, right? He needs to have a reason for that part of Joon Ho's past to be revealed. And believe me, earlier Joon ho's past was revealed, the smoother for the readers understand the story. And we didn't give this novel more than 3 stars because idiot or insane. We gave this more than 3 stars because by the time we wrote our reviews on this novel, we've read more than what you've read, we've compared more than what you've compared,we've understood more than what you've understood, and we've grew more attached to this novel than you are. P.s. And please... Debut or Die has 677 chapters. Don't compare and label a novel as copied if your allegedly original is much shorter by more than 300 chapters than your labeled copied. It won't look good on both of the novels.

4 months ago

Honestly, the moment the members suggested to June to change his username, I already thought of a possible username. And that's JUNEinDAWN or DAWNonJUNE. But the latter sounds kinda negative in some way. So imagine when I heard "DAWNinJune" at the end of the chapter.

The other members were expecting the worst. However, as June typed out his new username, they were pleasantly surprised. 

From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Fantasy · SandKastle

4 months ago
Replied to BludKratz

no. She is one of Joon Ho's friends when he was still a trainee on phoenix. She left when she was offered by another agency to be an actress. Although she was no longer in Phoenix with Joon Ho and Haruto, she still keep up with the news about them. She was the one told June the truth about the bullying issue. She was the one who recommended June to the filming staff of the movie ( i forgot the title). She's a friend to Joon Ho and June.

Hana: Your album is so good. I've been playing it non-stop for the past hour. The title track choice was genius. I can't wait to see you at the movie premier since I need to know more about the concept you guys used. I'll see you there! 

From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Fantasy · SandKastle

4 months ago

Volume 8??? Now this is exciting😊

4 months ago

I'm quite satisfied. Except for the part where Mei still doesn't remember his brother-or she already remembered still wasn't narrated yet. Still, my vitamin for the day.

4 months ago
Replied to InAJiffy

I was actually typing my essay like answer, but then I realised that it would be better if you read it yourself. Im not a good narrator. Go to google. Type the tittle. Click Novel bin. Enjoy reading. It's free there. That's where I mostly read this book. It's too pricey to read here.

4 months ago

I'm so enraged at Lei. So enraged!!!😤😡😠🤬 Nice update by the way. Love it.😍😍