Wooper: This is Fine 😄
Misty sighed, her confidence steady. "Let's not be ridiculous. What bad things could such cute little Wooper possibly do?"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
I was wondering what was going on glad to see it's just a rewrite than an deletion. Also keep up the good work, always looking good
Don't mind if Shelly joins in the fun
Man it 's a shame ash not going to flex kleavor on bugsy but it understandable because he have to train his inexperienced pokemon.
I said first wife position of course Pikachu going to have a harem
Pikachu + Chuchu: "Pika pi!ヽ(^o^)ノ"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Poor Buneary cuck out of the first wife position
Pikachu + Chuchu: "Pika pi!ヽ(^o^)ノ"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
so did Jessie and Meowth if they all put their heads together they would had made bank already
James gulped, "W-well, my dear grandmama taught me a lot. She has a very nice garden, and she tends to sick and injured Pokemon, she taught me a lot about Pokemon, Sunflora included…"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
so clover didn't fell yet huh
UT: Unbound Souls
Video Games · LazySatanixDevil