Include the romance it was done really well in this chapter.
Also, I'm still debating how much romance I want to include in the story. I gave it a shot in this chapter, but I'd love to hear what you all think! Do you want to see more of this dynamic, or should I keep the focus elsewhere?
TV · SamAshford
There are so many grammar mistakes, besides people in rl don’t talk like that.
Needs work. The way it’s written makes it seem as if the family was safe from the fire and fled the city but at the end it says he is looking for his family’s killers. Who lived and who died? It’s also confusing when the sister went missing.
It’s too soon to pick since most of these characters haven’t been introduced into the story yet. Right now jean is in the lead just based on the cosmic connection, although I wouldn’t mind Natasha winning since he might be able to heal her physically and mentally plus they both use martial arts.
Ryuu is overrated in my opinion. Tiona would be better plus they both like combat.
The FL will either be Tiona or Ryuu, I haven't decided yet. Fortuna was always meant to fulfill the role of a friend/family member. Riveria would be an interesting choice, but I admittedly don't like the age gap despite the fact that the MC's lifespan is multiple thousands of years.
Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
Tsubaki 100%
There will definitely be no Harem since it is literally my least favorite trope of all time, but I am conflicted about who to make the FL since there are quite a few good options
Anime & Comics · SaltyGamer
[Do tell me which dragon type you would want in his team]
Anime & Comics · BoredMortal
1. Leslie Shay Chicago fire.(yes she is gay in the show but with a little Author magic I can make her bi, plus we can save her season 3.)
TV · HiTherefic
Include romance in the story. It was done really well this chapter. I really enjoy reading well rounded stories that include multiple tags. This story in particular is more realistic and takes the perspective of a guy and his day to day because of that romance should be included as it is part of everyone’s life.
The Knight’s Oath: Grey’s Anatomy
TV · SamAshford