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2018-10-01 Joined Global
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3 years ago

some may call this junk me I call them treasurer's

This child, no more then 3 years of age is none other then Anakin Skywalker. Around him was pits and pieces that most would consider junk, a counter and other mechanic parts.

Star Wars: Skywalker

Star Wars: Skywalker

Movies · Link_Id

3 years ago
Replied to 1stSlug

I believe that would depend on the order I could totally see HK being order to stop any potential threats and him looking at the baby and going "potential threat detected 100% chance of baby growing up if not stoped adults have a high percentage to turn into a threat preemptive measure to be taken die tiny meat bag"

Droids would be patrolling and keeping an eye out for any trouble, luckily he was but a baby. Albeit a weird one if looked at but nonetheless a helpless child that would be unable to do anything, so he would be overlooked for doing anything strange.

Star Wars: Skywalker

Star Wars: Skywalker

Movies · Link_Id

3 years ago

one of my favourites I've read in a long while and considering I don't read story's with female MC that often is all the more impressive it got me laughing as well