Shirley Lynn, years after a tragic incident, retells her story to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.
She was just a high school student struggling to survive after a move from Michigan to New York with a negligent father. So she thought her life had turned for the better when she met Gene Miller, the popular bassist of the Theodore Roosevelt High School band. But all he brought was tragedy.
It all started with a squid.
It may seem uncanny or odd (I sure thought it did), but the truth cannot be denied. And the truth was–it began with one lone squid. A squid that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it wasn’t because of the squid that humanity became the hellhole that it is now. No, that was caused by one fisherman who also happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the true beginning of this squid’s journey occurred two months before the fall of humanity.