harem train choo choo
Harem all day e'ry day(Yes).
Anime & Comics · Einlion
This is an unbelievably stupid and contrived story arc, you didn't foreshadow anything for this to happen let alone have anything further develop with kaya which is really dumb because how can she be questioned by the police and still not get exposed for obviously being some type of spy. Also the main character has been extremely passive in his life following the island arc. I'm dropping the story here I wish you luck in the future with writing.
I'm absolutely loving the story so far. you're doing a great job of adding so much more depth and character to things and truly thinking them through. all I can say is please don't drop.
thank you so much for the chapter, please continue updating the story cuz I'm absolutely loving it.
thanks for the great chapter<3
I love this novel so so much, and I'm really loving the direction it's heading. But I will have to agree, the excessive side pov's are pretty obstructive. All things together though I am absolutely loving this novel. Please keep it up.
thank you so much for the amazing story so far. I'm absolutely loving it. Excited for volume two.
This book has been deleted.
thank you for the awesome chapters
thank you for the amazing chapter. Also just so you know Transfiguration doesn't need spell incantations.
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene