Elite Jonin?! 7th gate Guy is enough to defeat most Kages.
After all, Might Guy opening the Seventh Gate could even take down most elite Jonin.
Anime & Comics · plotplanner
That is some BS, Hiruzen at his peak was the weakest Hokage. Even amongst all of the Kages, from the ones we have seen only the 3rd Kazekage was weaker than the 3rd Hokage. If you include knowledge and skill he moves up amongst Kages, but would still be the weakest Hokage.
Danzo the prime instigator was scared silly. His 15 elite jonins trained for years were killed in seconds and the pressure exerted by the woman even surpassed his teacher. He would definitely die if she wanted to kill him and even Hiruzen will not be able to deal with her. He knew Hiruzen's strength. If we exclude the first tow Hokage and the third Raikage then Hiruzen will definitely be the strongest Kage. But compared to the woman in front of him, he was sure that Hiruzen will be of no use.
Anime & Comics · LordRaphael
Well i am done with this story for a while, maybe in a few months this Nick/Harry BS will be sorted out. The MC i can at least understand and go along with some of his plans, but Nick/Harry is actively sabotaging his & everyone elses plans. All because... he needs to eliminate Rose and Orion to get a better future? The character of Nick/Harry is so flawed it brings down the story and nearly every chapter he is in for the last 50 or so is worse for it.
'This bastard is the reason for many of my problems. Even if nothing, I will at least get one punch on that cold face of his.'
Book&Literature · kamidemond
While I would agree he is smart, given the intelligence stats for some of the other characters so far this is too high for him. High low 40s i could see at the most.
Intelligence: 57
Anime & Comics · Einlion
Honestly if its Nick and he still lets hit go again, i think i will be done with the story.
Powerful dark magic blasted the door open, only to see a familiar face in front of them.
Book&Literature · kamidemond
Honestly Harry Potter being a moron is pretty typical of him, he learned all the wrong lessons from his first life. Hopefully someone knocks some sense into him.
Then at least give the author credit, this failure has not once mentioned the actual creator. Also since this thief is not even changing the grammar, then at least release the 16 full chapters. Instead he is cutting up the chapters into small amounts to farm votes. I did check the first 5 he uploaded were not changed one bit from the small part of chapter one he has released so far, and i doubt he changed the parts he has released. So he is not trying to improve the medium, and since the original is still up its not because its no longer available either.
This book has been deleted.
Another story stolen from a fanfiction author, look up I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by Kathryn518 for the original work with all of its chapters.
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Greed, honestly i like the idea.
Dynamic Duo Route (Camie + 1)
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels