Oh he FREAKY!! I mean freaky ASF!! 😭
That's exactly how I kept feeling 😭
They were no longer connected to Hit Entertainment.
Fantasy · sola_cola
This paragraph has been deleted.
Eastern · The Old Chicken Eats Mushrooms
At least the angel has some sense 😭
I've said this before but this is in fact the best reverse harem ive read in my life and i hope EVERYONE reads this mf like I genuinely haven't loved a book more and I'm gonna read all the other books that they release because I have never seen this before and I would LOVE to see more! If you like WHY CHOOSE then this will be a fantastic read and the female lead is really amazing!
It’s true like your an amazing author and I hope to keep reading everything you write! I haven’t seen reverse harems written like this before and I love it so much!
This is THE best apocalypse rh I have ever read n my life and I would recommend this to everyone !
My exact response!😂😂
Sumeri licked her lips and giggled. "Ara-ara~ why are you so into this game? Did I influence you that much, and now you wanted to be a pro gamer as well?"
Games · MiuNovels
So 30 mins per run?
I was able to clear the dungeon rapidly, making the number of times I've dived into it 18 times in the last 6 hours. It was nearing midnight so I was planning on calling it a night. The rate at which I was clearing the dungeon was still kept hidden as I only turned off [Shadow Veil], [Stealth], and [Camouflage] after every hour, making it seem as if I had cleared the dungeon only 6 times
Games · Adui
Ts made me giggle a lil bit I'm not gon lie😭
She bought everything they made, spending three billion on high-technology products. When she transferred the down payment, the scientists were so happy that they nearly called her Daddy.
Natural Disaster: I Started By Hoarding Tens Of Billions Of Supplies
Fantasy · ColorfulAutumnWind