So far I'm enjoying it, but to be honest I would prefer if it was wheel of fortune pathway but hunter is not that bad so we will see.
yes I thought about it but Tenebrous World represent Abyss and Chained pathways so I wanted something diferent. I made it so it would represent Abyss without looking like abyss, but what he saw is not whole Truth as there is still Chained pathway.
no, chapter will arive on monday took few days of becouse of finals
Yes he does. Still deciding how much he will enjoy it.
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Book&Literature · Ilusar
just rest for Epiphany celebration
-------***Spoiler depending where you are in reading of lotm yes, I took inspiration from Agalito's ship death anoucer that could control others.
"Me? I'm sequence 5 Desire Apostle master." Albert said with a smile.
Book&Literature · Ilusar
Yes, there is a reason behind it but I'm not going to say it yet.
he does but I wanted to write fanfic where protagonist is doing his own thing. But in retrospect I could have mentioned Klein more. And I wanted to bring old ones later as if he knew about them he would become poluted. So I Made him not remamber.
yes it is but only knowlege about great old one and his past is blocked. there is also that even if you read whole lotm you wont remamber everything. You are bound to forget some details.
haha, yes but now it will be more flashy.
"Now that I'm Serial Killer it is time to do my job of serial killing." As he thought of killing he felt obsession grow in his heart. He knew his preferred type of victim. It did not surprise him when he felt the desire to find scoundrels, gangsters, thieves, and sinners.
Lord of the Mysteries: Path of the Abyss
Book&Literature · Ilusar