instead of this 1/10th thing would it not be better to just do % out of a 100%
Despite the overwhelming difficulty, he pressed on. Zabo-Man's health dwindled to a sliver—only 1/10th remained.
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
kinda feels like he needs to do some copyrighting on his console and games whats to stop the arcade owners from taking one and selling his work off to a bigger company
"I've thought about that too," Zaboru replied confidently. "I know two arcade owners personally—Mr. Satonaka of Dream Catcher Arcade and Mr. Toki from Bakudan Arcade. I'm a regular at their places, and I believe they trust me. I can offer them a profit-sharing deal or rental terms that benefit us both. With the machines ready, I'm confident I can persuade them."
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
2) Natalie Portman: As this world is an AU (alternative universe, the same earth with slight differences) I thought about decreasing the age of this actress to be at the same age or just a few years older than the mc. She in 2008/2009 (when Modern Family canon starts) is about 27 years old and the mc will be 15, so we have to change her birth date :y. The mc is a Star Wars lover and around that time the Star Wars trilogy came out where Natalie is Padme, so I could have the two of them meet in a comic-con or something like that.
TV · Nathe07
1) Pippa Fitz-Amobi: The protagonist girl in A Good Girl's Guide To Murder, a Netflix series. The actress is the same one who plays Enid in Wednesady. It's true that in this series, she hails from the UK, but I'll change that and problem solved xD.
TV · Nathe07
I looked over the counter to see a tall man, over two metres tall with blonde hair and the same coloured beard.
Anime & Comics · CrossEdge
missing a ( given ) here i believe
You have been another chance at life.
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
cough Garp cough
"I-I don't know much, b-but my grandfather always talked to me about the D! H-He said that most of them will die out before reaching a level of strength that could challenge the status quo!"
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
On the pirate stood a casual Damien.
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Scarlett Johansson hands down
I also have a question for you... Scarlett Johansson or Margot Robbie its important.
TV · Illusiveone
Dynamic Duo Route (Camie + 1)
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels