"Spanking all baldheads of the universe in their shiny heads? Grab Captain America Shield and sing his song? Webslinger with Spiderman? Punching Cyclops? Smash all alien races babes? Be crushed by She-hulk Thighs? Say 'I'm Batman' When asked 'how' something? Ride a dinosaur? Call Namor a 'Seamen'? And many others."
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
Gambit agreed to drive them to their date after hearing Law's reason. He was ready to do anything to get his boss laid.
Movies · Charizard6
One piece with All Might Template
Anime & Comics · kamidemond
It’s meant to be a bolt of “light”
This book has been deleted.
Instead of Fuyumi it's Rei who replied to his question while looking at me "What are you talking about Touya, he's sitting right besides you. Right Haruto-kun?"
Anime & Comics · Mountain_Dew_98
The pillow
If you got the chance, which weapon do you want?
Anime & Comics · LazyTanaka
The killing of the alpha in httyd 2 meaning saving the first one and just leaving him injured and let the story play out until the final fight then killing drago and his alpha
So I Must ask the question, because I honestly can't think of much, what would you want changed in the plot?)
Movies · Lord_Sadness
Valkyrie Drive
He also spent some of his money to get Kaliya some new decent clothes, she was now part of his team and he didn't want her looking bad, although he doubted anything could make her body look bad, that woman was thicc on the right places while also being slim where it matters.
Anime & Comics · KojiSan
Mine is Umbreon.
Pokemon: Radical Redux
Anime & Comics · Katsu39