Yztif - Profile



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2018-07-12 Joined Global

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At the beginning of this novel all the way to around Chapter 75 or so, MC still makes a sound judgment. He knows he is invincible in a certain radius, so he tries to make sure the enemy comes to him using tricks and so on. Yet, around chapters 90 plus, I feel MC is getting bolder and more reckless. Particularly in chapter 97, MC is like playing with his food(the last of the HE family who hated him to the core). Before, when MC face the enemy he freeze space freeze everything makes the enemy unable to move and then kill them easily. Now he is playing with the HE guy. The problem is here. MC might not face death with this guy, but how about his people? Can his people face this guy and live? How about facing this guy outside of the invincible radiaus? Could he save his people then? He should kill potential problems right away especially when this potential problem has no further use(before MC let this guy live to lure in more enemies to him, now that enemy has been destroyed, this HE guy value is zero). It seems like MC forgets or does not intend to use his advantage anymore. That is very reckless which may cost lives. Playing with the enemy, what if the enemy manages to slip away and lurk in the dark harming his people out of his invincible range? What will he do? Stupid and reckless, quite opposite from when he starts (that time he had a very cautious nature and decisive(not let the potential problem continue) and not playing around). If he continues this way, the system is useless, he did not use the full potential of the invincible space around him. Freeze the enemy and kill was very decisive and efficient back then, he abandon that now.

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