Thanat0ss - Profile


LV 6
2018-07-13 Joined Global

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Moments 21


Finally showing her true colors. Hope he makes her and Matilda pay. They are just act so entitled.

"Don't kill him or critically injure him, just suppress him" the princess said in a cold tone



Eastern · VenerableDio

Replied to AsuraSaiyan

Oh, ok. Was mainly curious as to your purpose for correcting the grammar mistakes. I mean in this novel, so far as I can tell, though I could be wrong the author didn't actually stated that he wanted or needed someone to edit the spelling mistakes. But, yeah I get what you are doing now for the most part.

The tears fell on the ground and mixed together and entered the frozen ground, a sprout emerged from the ground and within few breaths of time it grew to the size of a tree, the tree had no leaves only a purple fruit, the purple fruit slowly began to take the shape of fist sized women.

Tainted will

Tainted will

Eastern · EvilGrandpa

Replied to AsuraSaiyan

I don't know what your deal is or if you are just trolling because I keep seeing your comments to only correct the vocabulary of things. It is indeed women. Woman is single and women is plural.

The tears fell on the ground and mixed together and entered the frozen ground, a sprout emerged from the ground and within few breaths of time it grew to the size of a tree, the tree had no leaves only a purple fruit, the purple fruit slowly began to take the shape of fist sized women.

Tainted will

Tainted will

Eastern · EvilGrandpa


(my) mobile. I (picked up the phone,) and (a) voice was heard from (the) other side. You know what I think that's enough grammatical errors that I just give up correcting again. It just isn't fun you know. Hope that helped, I don't know. Take care and have a wonderful day.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(woke up) by (the) sound of my

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(now,) I will just take (a) short nap.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(emergencies). (After (my energy) was increased, (my)

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(All) the time my body was warming up. (I) felt relaxed, slowly (my) muscles were reconstructing, but I was not feeling pain (but the opposite instead which was pleasure). (Another suggestion since you didn't put any periods in between but just the one in the end you could chop up your complete sentences with semicolons ; like this if you prefer.)

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(It) has increased by. (Looks) like I got. (Anyways I should increase my energy.) (This is my suggestion but constantly calling energy (it) sort of makes it hard to see what stat he increased specially for a fellow who has a bit of a short term memory like myself.) (After) that I ... my status (looks) like this.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(the) energy stat. Saying First again is redundant. So, to me it should be. It's quantity is small and (it). (Let's see currently I have ... ) You know it kind of seems mean to keep pointing out grammatical errors. I mean for the most part I don't mind them too much.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


(ran) past tense of run. (Truly an). Under them seems redundant if you aren't mentioning which gang you were intending on destroying. I know that in chapter 2 you said he was the leader of the biggest gang in Asia, but I just assumed it it another gang that was part of his competition or something. So unless you reveal which gangs were under them it should just be better in my opinion to say. I was not able to kill all the intended or planned or whatever other word you want to use gangs, but (my) main targets (were) destroyed.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


I (sighed in) relief after coming back home(. Period instead of comma if you are going to start using a capital letter)

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde


I normally don't pick on any misspelled words or sentences, but since the author asked to look for them. I am happy enough as the intention is clear and what you meant to write is understood. Then this sentence would be better if it said I had to sneak in through (the) and then type of windows like bedroom windows or kitchen windows etc. Because you know (in through windows) just by itself is just an awkward sentence.

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Villain POV

Villain POV

Action · Ajinkya_Shinde

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