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Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot
It is Karin not Shizune you've got it a little wrong there, btw nice chapter!!!!
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Anime & Comics · DoggoValiant
They nodded before we dispersed, looking for a group to shadow. I found one relatively quickly, considering the popularity of Yugakure. It was a well-sized group of merchants, each with a couple of bodyguards—about thirty people in total. I had been listening in, and it seemed that they were getting ready to travel in the next few minutes.
Anime & Comics · Palpable_Banana
when is he going to stop being nerft. this mc was nerft from the start of this fanfic but back then I thought that he was a kid so his powerlevel was normal since he was a human and all that jazz, but why haven't we shown a glimpse of something against his condition when every crazy woman comes and gets a piece of him before giving him a beating of his life ,we don't need the super overpower boost of the century just his full power is so much that we want??
why are there no rewards for completing the missions
you have said that the next world would be The Mummy what happened to that why skip a world
he dug his own grave here
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1.) Fate/Stay Night fanfic, which after the 5tg Holy Grail War moves into Fate/Grand Order.
As a Lucifer in DxD
Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot