Haha! The author wastes time describing his body so much, and this character is a mister in the end.
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Sci-fi · Black Eyed King
Oh no…. Not the pathetic WebNovel females again who can’t even lift a pencil… Seriously, if they’re going to be written like this, then why include women in the story at all? They are grown adults, not children.
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Sci-fi · Black Eyed King
This is not yuan but dollars. Yikes.
A thousand dollars, that almost covers the cost of the ingredients for Boiled Cabbage with Water.
Urban · Book shortage forced to write a book
A fifteen-year-old boy failed to give birth, huh? Wow. This place is intimidating in more than one way…
The good news was that he had transmigrated into a body as handsome as that of a reader. The original owner had the same name as Qin Lang, he died from cardiac arrest three hours ago due to failing to birth a food spirit after five years of culinary school. He was only fifteen, an orphan.
Urban · Book shortage forced to write a book
High heels aren’t suitable for gardening… She’s not taking this seriously. Maybe she’s going for her MRS degree instead.
I saw everyone adored her beauty as she gently went down to the podium and noticed how other men looked at her with malice. After reading a lot of books and observing people in the past, I somehow learned what those looks in their eyes meant, not totally, though. Who would not find her hot with her tucked-in white blouse with black leggings? She played up the look with polished accessories like beret and brogues. To top it all off, she wore a heel, which perfectly fits her overall outfit. Who wouldn't be captivated by her beauty and fashion style? Even
Horror · JuliusAlfred
Sounds rough for sick and disabled students.
The school building isn't that far from the men's dorm. About 10 minutes walk, and you will be there, so there is no reason to be late for class. The class starts at 9 o'clock in the morning, and you have lots of time to prepare for school. So no one can complain about waking up late. You won't be able to reason out why you are late unless it's school-related. A student who is late will be penalized for being absent in his first subject and will be deducted 500 points from their Point Account. That is 500 Pesos right there, and it will go down the drain right off the bat.
Horror · JuliusAlfred
Do they not accept married students in the school?
Is the relationship between students illicit? No, but there are consequences to one's actions. For example, the couple is having a sexual relationship, and the woman ended up getting pregnant, the UNP will have to expel these couple as punishment for their actions. Buy condoms! There are tons of them in the convenience stores! I am not encouraging people, especially students, to have sex, okay? Premarital sex is a sin, right? Not that I'm trying to be religious or anything related, though. I'm just saying what I know. Love isn't all about sex. It's how you treasure those who are precious to you, and that right there is my opinion.
Horror · JuliusAlfred
You’re paying for the lectures, not the social activities…. Disregarding university courses like that makes me cringe sip hard.
As they casually chatted, the class ended quickly. Gu Fan wasn't concerned about the lecture content, knowing the important value of self-learning in the library and undertaking real work such as participating in the student union. He realized that being involved in campus activities was equally important for enhancing social skills.
Horror · Lu Shu Yi Pavilion
Oh, no! Not the capitalists!
Aside from a few capitalists who have exploited countless workers, hardly anyone could possess so much wealth alone.
Fantasy · Clouds in the Star Sky
They did it again. They’re not even trying,huh?
A farm that breeds gods and demons
Sci-fi · Black Eyed King