-Have him cut his hair.
Movies · Shadow7Blue
I simply love this book !! One of the best ff of Harry Potter !! The character are all well build. There is a good balance between sad and happy moment. Also a good balance between action and description.
This book has been deleted.
Great chapter !! thanks !
One of the best Fanfc on the HP wold ! The caracter are great. The speed of the story is not to fast or to slow. The world is described as in the hp book or movie and lots of addition is made wich fit perfectly in the story !! congrats on the story and keep it up ! I love It !!!
- Eagle (golden eagle, it's a very common eagle but looks really cool anyway. The eagle of Kassandra (greek player character in AC:Odyssey, co-founder of the 'Hidden Ones' I believe, which would become the brotherhood) named Ikaros is a golden eagle)
A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)
Book&Literature · Nuclide