"Fine. But if I ever meet the guy who did this to you, I'm gonna teach him not to mess with my little brother!" Ace said.
Anime & Comics · Fictiontopia
Kaiserreich Scenario it seems, where the French turns Red
Once I got to the studio, nothing exciting happened. I dropped off the lyrics and music sheets to Mark Cory Rooney, met with a few others I didn't know, and then left. Oh, I did meet Sean John Combs, aka Puff Daddy, momentarily. He was alright, but I can't say I liked the guy when we talked for the little bit we did. I was not a fan of his music, but seeing as we were both working on Jennifer's album, the people at the top felt we should meet. Outside that, I didn't want anything to do with him and him with me.
History · gsdog
Infamy is just a Word for MC
Imho, The Worst Dictator in History
Kill Pol Pot is definitely on the to-do list then.
History · Craby_Crab
Aint that the truth..
It was kind of morbid, but the amount of death and suffering caused by the war meant that for the most part the next half a century was peaceful, well for Europe at least, let's ignore the millions who died due to 'ideological strife'. I mean, despite the constant tensions in the Cold War, neither side wanted the world to end, and the only times it really came close were either accidents or confrontations where both sides backed off. Though there has to be a way to stop the CIAxKGBxRandomAssCountry love triangle that for some reason kept getting sequels.
History · Craby_Crab
Great Chapter
Keep it up man
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Is it Dropped?
The Sun Shall Never Set – Not If I Can Help It
History · Craby_Crab